Foundations for Kingdom Intercession. Title with brick wall behind.


Intercessory prayer is the primary power tool in the Kingdom of God.
God, in His sovereign grace, has chosen to build and advance His Kingdom rule through Divine-human cooperation. As you understand this dynamic, you will see how you have a vital role to play in building the Kingdom of God through intercession.

In Foundations for Kingdom Intercession, you will explore how to be equipped and empowered by the Holy Spirit to join with Jesus in prayer for the advancement of God’s kingdom. It will help you grow in understanding the work and practice of intercession. 

We will explore together the basics of prayer that shapes the future and advances the Kingdom of God. This teaching also introduces the concept of spiritual warfare.

Listen and see Martin Boardman’s invitation to the course:


In this course you will learn:

  1. How to respond when the Lord calls you into intercession
  2. How to understand and discern your place of intercession
  3. How to prepare for spiritual battle and the work of intercession
  4. Seven principles of prayer that shapes the future
  5. How the enemy seeks to block kingdom advancement through strongholds, including how strongholds form
  6. Strategies and tactics for dealing with strongholds.

Whether your burden is to pray for your family, your church (or even a specific ministry of your church), or  your nation, understanding how to discern God’s intentions and how human sin and Satan can interfere are all important.

Applying the principles from the online Foundations for Kingdom Intercession course will give you a greater understanding of how the Kingdom of God is being advanced.  You will get the prayer tools needed to see that happen.

The Foundations for Kingdom Intercession course builds upon The Dunamis Project 3: The Power of Prayer, as it develops and equips you for Spirit-led kingdom intercession.


This course will run on these six Tuesdays:

4 February, 11 February, 25 February, 4 March, 18 March & 25 March 2025.

All sessions are from 7:30 – 9:00pm GMT (please adjust for your timezone if outside the UK).

This course will run in the following format:

  1. Watch the pre-recorded videos prior to the online group calls.
    You may wish to jot down some questions ready for the Zoom calls.
  2. Join the live Zoom calls to discuss and unpack the content.
    These calls will not deliver the full teaching; there will be a brief recap of the key points, with plenty of time for Q&A, small group work, and prayer.

You will gain the most benefit from the course by watching all the videos and joining all the discussion sessions.
However, if Tuesday evenings are genuinely difficult for you, you can still register to access the teaching videos and just come to as many sessions as you are able.


You can register for this course through the link below.
If you are not able to attend all of the sessions, please let us know which ones you expect to attend.
Please Note: the live calls will not be recorded due to their interactive nature.

COMING UP: Advanced Course in Strategic Intercession (2024)

We are planning to run an Advanced Course in Strategic Intercession and Spiritual Warfare in 2024.

To join this Advanced Course in Strategic Intercession there are other foundational courses you need to have completed first. You must have completed one of the two options below:

  1. Dunamis Project #1 ‘Gateways to Empowered Ministry’ (or its catch-up form), and
    Dunamis Project #3 ‘The Power of Prayer’, and
    Dunamis Project #5 ‘Equipping for Spiritual Warfare’;
  2. Foundations for Kingdom Intercession

So if you have not done the Dunamis Project, or it was a while ago, here is your opportunity to receive or revisit the foundational training in readiness for the Advanced Course.