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Awake My Soul
- Teaching Videos and Resources -

Welcome to the online course “Awake My Soul”. On this page you will find:

  • Teaching videos (released weekly across the course, to be watched prior to the Zoom calls)
  • Further resources that are referenced during the teaching videos or Zoom calls

NB – there will be text shown on slides through each video. You may find it helpful to enter full screen mode for this reason – simply click on the button (four arrows pointing out to the corners) in the bottom right corner of the relevant video to do this.

As a reminder, the Zoom calls for Awake My Soul are on the following Wednesdays between 7:00 – 8:45pm BST (please adjust for your timezone as necessary):

Introducing the Vision for the Next Great Awakening (NGA) Venture

Pauline Eyles (DFB&I) interviews Brad Long (PRMI) about the Next Great Awakening venture vision. Filmed at the Community of the Cross, Black Mountain in May 2022.

Please excuse the audio quality – there were technical issues upon recording.

WEEK 1 - view in time for 1st June

Week 1 Video 1 : What is a Great Awakening?

Paul Stokes (Academic Dean for the Dunamis Institute, Director of the DFB&I) dives into the characteristics of historic Great Awakenings of the Holy Spirit.

Week 1 Video 2 : Is this a Kairos Season?

Paul Stokes (Academic Dean for the Dunamis Institute, Director of the DFB&I) explores at the question “Is this a Kairos season? Are we now in that period of time that is leading into the next Great Awakening?”

Week 1 Video 3 : Essentials of a Great Awakening

Paul Stokes (Academic Dean for the Dunamis Institute, Director of the DFB&I) looks at the essentials of a Great Awakening. He speaks on R. A. Torrey’s 3 Essentials, Jonathan Goforth’s 2 Principles, and Moravian Dynamics.

WEEK 2 - view in time for 8th June

Week 2 Video 1 : When God is on the Move (Part 1) – Lives are Transformed

Pauline Eyles (a Dunamis Institute Teacher) explores how lives are transformed when God is on the move.

Week 2 Video 2 : When God is on the Move (Part 2) – The Church is Restored to God’s Original Plan

Pauline Eyles (a Dunamis Institute Teacher) dives into how, when God is on the move, the Church is restored to how He originally intended it to be. In particular, she looks at the One New Humanity and the Great Commission.

Week 2 Video 3 : When God is on the Move (Part 3) – Society is Transformed

Pauline Eyles (a Dunamis Institute Teacher) explores how there is societal transformation when God is on the move.

WEEK 3 - view in time for 15th June

Week 3 Video 1 : By My Spirit

Paul Stokes (Academic Dean for the Dunamis Institute, Director of the DFB&I) introduces the focus on advancing the Kingdom of God, not by human power and might, but by His Spirit, and considers the counsel from R.A.Torrey about how we can position ourselves to work in this way.

Week 3 Video 2 : Baptised with the Holy Spirit

Paul Stokes (Academic Dean for the Dunamis Institute, Director of the DFB&I) explores the connection between a Great Awakening and our personal need to receive what Jesus promised: the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Week 3 Video 3 : Operating in the Power of the Holy Spirit

Pauline Eyles (a Dunamis Institute Teacher) unpacks some of our ‘spiritual toolbox’, highlighting Zechariah 4:6 where we are told to operate by His Spirit, not by our own power or might. She addresses what this might look like in practice.

WEEK 4 - view in time for 22nd June

Week 4 Video 1 : Blocks to the Outpouring

Paul Stokes (Academic Dean for the Dunamis Institute, Director of the DFB&I) looks at factors which block the Holy Spirit’s work of bringing a new Great Awakening.

Week 4 Video 2 : How do we Pray for Revival?

Martin Boardman (Prayer Mobilizer for PRMI, a Dunamis Institute Teacher) explores the questions ‘How do we pray for Revival?’

As we partner with God in carrying out His purposes, He will answer our prayers, He will pour out his Holy Spirit, and He will begin to bring revival, renewal and awakening.

Week 4 Video 3 : Preparing Ourselves for Opposition

Pauline Eyles (a Dunamis Institute Teacher) reminds us that when we are doing work for God’s Kingdom, the enemy gives us opposition. With a brief recap on functional and manifestational gifts, and teaching on Greek words for ‘filled’, Pauline highlights the importance of balancing fruit and gifts and knowing who we are in Christ. She also outlines 4 Discernment Tests we use to help discern whether we are hearing from the Lord.

Awake My Soul : Further Resources

Throughout the course our teachers will reference other articles, books and videos. We will share links to those in this section of the page. These resources are split into 2 sections:

KiC Presentation Manual (PDF)

You may wish to print to make notes alongside the slides.

Recap on the Holy Spirit (PDF)

Pauline’s recap during Tuesday evening’s session

Case Studies (PDF)

Grab a copy of the book !

This course was developed alongside the book, Growing the Church in the Power of the Holy Spirit, which is used as the text for the course. Written by Brad Long, Paul Stokes and Cindy Strickler, this presents Two Foundations and Seven Dynamics for a church to grow in cooperating with the Holy Spirit so that it expresses the Kingdom of God in its local context.

The book is available to order from:

Amazon, including a Kindle edition

Eden (Christian bookshop)

Book recommendations

Click on each book cover to view in an online bookstore, where you can read a bit more about them (please note the links may not work outside the UK, so you may need to manually search for them).

Glory Through Time is a testament to the sovereignty of God in history.

Romans 911 goes very deeply into the issue of ‘The One New Humanity’

This book looks at the relationship between Israel and the church and how they will interact in the last days.

This landmark text reveals God’s purposes for his covenant people and how this revelation is impacting the church.

Alignment talks about how God is aligning Jews and Gentiles to bring about His Kingdom as he had intended.

Understanding Revival looks at the concepts of revival (rather than describing individual revivals and the effects of them).

Reformation to Revival traces the Divine thread of God’s power from Martin Luther of 1517, through to the Charismatic Movement and into the 21st century.

Global Revival sets the context for global revival. Learn about the amazing outpourings that have taken place around the world in our lifetime and how the Holy Spirit has moved in the past.

Videos, Websites and Articles

Click on the orange video/PDF icons to head to the relevant video, webpage or article.

‘Baptism with the Spirit’ eBook – free download

Jesus told his disciples to wait until they were clothed with power from on high. In this eBook, you will discover why Jesus wants you baptised in the Holy Spirit to advance the Kingdom of God.
This eBook is free – simply fill in the short form on this page of our website to receive the download.

Outpouring of the Holy Spirit (full movie, by Vision Video)

A small group of believers earnestly prayed for Revival in England at the beginning of the twentieth century. Little did they know how God would answer that prayer – an answer that would impact the church worldwide. This revival would lead to the birth of Pentecostalism in Britain and awaken people to a new relationship with God.

This video includes information on the Sunderland Revival referred to in our teaching videos. – Doug McMurry’s website

All the information in Doug’s book can also be found on this website. He shares free teaching videos on the history of the move of the Holy spirit. There’s also a set of videos with a superbly encouraging look at the book of Revelation, highlighting all the promises that God has set out for his church during the very difficult last days that will come before the return of Christ. 

Duncan Campbell Quotes

Duncan Campbell was one of the leaders during the Hebridean Revival in the 1950’s.

Reflections on the Revival – Duncan Campbell (by Onpoint Focus)

Duncan Campbell came to the Isle of Lewis to conduct a two week evangelistic campaign and ended up staying two years. This is his personal account of what happened.

The Welsh Revival – Truth in History

This webpage sets out the key points of what happened in the Welsh Revival of 1904 – 1905.

Evan Roberts was used of God in this revival.

The Welsh Revival (by Revelation TV)

Gordon Pettie talks with the revival historian Mathew Backholer about the amazing events surrounding the Welsh revival of 1904. Their prayer is that God will do it again in our times.

(Matthew Backholer is a prolific writer on revivals – you’ll see some of his books on our list of recommendations).

Inspiring quotes on healing – John G. Lake

John Graham Lake (March 18, 1870 – September 16, 1935) was a Canadian-American leader in the Pentecostal movement that began in the early 20th century, and is known as a faith healer, missionary, and with Thomas Hezmalhalch, co-founder of the Apostolic Faith Mission of South Africa. His healing ministry touched thousands if not millions. These quotes will reveal how he ministered healing to the sick.

Ebola and John G. Lake

A testimony of John G. Lake dealing with Ebola in Ghana.

Who is John G. Lake? Missionary, Revivalist, Healer (by God TV)

Born into a family plagued by sickness and grief, John G. Lake experienced the healing power of God. This is a short video on the history of John G. Lake’s ministry.

Transformational Videos by George Otis

George Otis has been used phenomenally by the Lord to collect and record testimonies of transformational prayer in communities and societies; and the insights into prayer that he has subsequently been able to capture are incredible.  He is highly recommended by our own Douglas McMurry who has drawn extensively on his research. 

It is easier to just search for George Otis on YouTube, but here is just one link to get you started.

Tikkun America website

In the 1980s Dan Juster, a leader in the burgeoning Messianic movement, was challenged by a friend regarding the restoration of the Church by five fold leadership (apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers). He began to gain a vision for the restored unity of the Body of Believers, and the foundations for restoration began to grow.

Revive Israel website

Revive Israel is a multi-purpose ministry team, based on the examples of both Yeshua and Paul. The vision of Revive Israel is to pave the way for the restoration of the kingdom of Yeshua on the earth.

DFB&I is a faith-based ministry and we do not charge for any of our teaching.
At some point during the course, you will be given an opportunity to hear more about the work of this ministry. If you are blessed by the teaching and the Lord prompts you to give, then we will be sharing with you how you can make a donation.

If you would like to explore this sooner, you can head over to our Donations page for more information.