Baptism With The Holy Spirit (eBook)

Baptism with the Holy Spirit – free eBook

Jesus told his disciples to wait until they were clothed with power from on high.

They gathered in the Upper Room to wait and pray (Acts 1:13-14).

A true revival seems to be coming in answer to the global concert of prayer.  Elements of true revival include:

  • People coming to saving faith in Jesus Christ and accepting Him as Lord.
  • Being Baptised with the Holy Spirit
  • Join in the dance of cooperating with Jesus Christ in growing the Kingdom of God.

Discover why Jesus wants you baptised in the Holy Spirit

With the ebook, you will discover why Jesus wants you baptised in the Holy Spirit to advance the Kingdom of God.

You will find:

  • How the Holy Spirit is at work in your life already.
  • What it means to be filled / baptised with the Holy Spirit.
  • Seven ways to prepare to receive prayer for empowerment.
  • Links to 4 video stories from men and women whose ministry has changed because they received the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.
  • How the gift of tongues relates to the baptism of the Holy Spirit, with a link to our free 7-lesson video course on tongues.

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