The Trust began its formation in 2005 and was finally granted charitable status on 05 January 2007. The stated objects of the charity are expressed as the advancement of the Christian faith by:-
The Trust fulfils and delivers its objects through the ministry of The Dunamis Fellowship in Britain and Ireland, hereafter, referred to as the DFB&I. The DFB&I is completely under the control and authority of the Trust and its Trustees. It is a voluntary Fellowship into which people normally opt into on an annual basis.
The DFB&I is the regional expression, covering the geographic area of the UK and Ireland, of the wider Dunamis Fellowship International around the world. The Trust has an expressed intent to co-operate with the Holy Spirit within the worldwide Dunamis Fellowship International whilst fulfilling its objects within its regional focus.
The DFT and therefore the DFB&I does not exist solely for the benefit of the Fellowship itself but rather the benefit of all and any interested individuals, churches and organisations. Opting into the DFB&I is not a requirement for access to the DFT’s ministry but rather is a voluntary response after participating in the training offered then, being inspired by God, resulting in a wish to serve Him in a wider context as well as the local community. There are no membership fees or subscriptions since the DFT operates on a faith ministry basis and therefore relies on donations to both maintain and develop its ministries.
The Trust deed gives the Trustees the full power, authority and responsibility to administer the Trust’s income and property pursuant to the Trusts objectives (see deeds 4.1). The DFT through the DFB&I currently operates training courses, makes grants where appropriate, and is developing new areas of project work and ideas within the Dunamis context. The deed allows the Trustees to hold money in reserve for special projects and or against future expenditure.
The DFT Trust deed provides for a maximum of 5 Trustees, a quorum for meetings is 3 and motions are carried by simple majority with the Chair having a 2nd ‘casting vote’ should there be a tie. In the event of Trustee resignation(s) new Trustee(s) are identified and appointed by the remaining Trustees in consultation with PRMI (Presbyterian Reformed Ministries International). This provides an essential external check for the DFT and forms part of the Trust deed clause 4.2 the wording of which can be found in supplemental deed dated 15th Dec 2006. One of the existing Trustees, normally the Chair, is responsible for new Trustee induction.
Charity Registered Address: DFB&I, 3 Oban Road, Beeston, Nottingham. NG9 4FX