Prayer – Walk of Encounter

Prayer – The Walk of Encounter

Guided personal encounters with God

The Walk of Encounter is a simple yet powerful help for engaging with God.

Each Walk combines selected, themed verses of scripture with a journey and prayerful, attentive listening.

  • In prayer, bring yourself into the presence of Jesus and ask, “Lord, speak to me through your word.”
  • Linger on each passage for as long as the Holy Spirit invites you to, prayerfully reflecting on the texts, listening to what the Lord says, and speaking with him.
  • When the time is right, move to a new location and go on to the next step.


You are welcome to download and print these resources.


Walk of the I AMs

Meditating on some of Jesus’ ‘I Am’ statements about his identity.

Walk of Encountering the Trinity

Deepening our appreciation of God’s glory as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Walk of Growing with Jesus

Reflecting on Jesus’ birth, growth through childhood, submission and cooperation.

Walk of Love

Considering God’s love for us, and our own love towards him.

Walk of Stillness

Experiencing holy stillness in the presence of the living God.

Walk of: Come follow me

Reflecting on the invitation to journey through life with Jesus.