Dunamis 2 – In the Spirits Power


This second Dunamis event, In the Spirit’s Power, explores the dynamic of how we may cooperate with the Holy Spirit in the ministry of Jesus Christ.

In the process, you’ll learn about the gifts of the Holy Spirit and hear from people who have first-hand experience of them.  Careful biblical exegesis, plus examples from real life, will help you understand the function and role of many of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. There is a general review of all the spiritual gifts, plus in-depth teaching on several such as discernment, tongues, prophecy and words of knowledge.

Significant attention is given to the process of exercising discernment to ensure we avoid the dangerous extremes and abuses, while also avoiding the powerlessness of willful ignorance.

You’ll experience a regular move from teaching on the spiritual gifts to then asking the Holy Spirit in prayer to give the gifts. As people experience the gifts, we then go back into teaching practicalities of how they should be used.

The teaching on “principles of power ministry” moves beyond only looking at the nature and use of individual gifts, and gets at the essence of how we cooperate with God in doing His work. These principles are modelled by the leadership team and are reflected on throughout the event. The purpose is provide a laboratory setting where you can begin to discern and practice these principles themselves.

Part One – The Functional Gifts

Introduces the different types or genres of spiritual gifts.Elaborates the concept of the functional gifts described in Romans 12:6-8, and helps people begin to discern which gifts they may have.

Part Two- The Manifestational Gifts

Examines the nature and use of the manifestational gifts as listed in 1 Corinthians 12 & 14.

Part Three –  Principles of Power Ministry

Looks at the dynamic of cooperating with the Holy Spirit in signs and wonders for the advancement of the Kingdom of God.

Main teaching topics include

  • Jesus and the Kingdom of God
  • The Gifts of the Holy Spirit for Life in the ‘Between the Times’
  • The Dynamic of Cooperating with the Holy Spirit
  • Receiving Guidance and Cooperating with the Holy Spirit
  • Discernment: Is This Really from God?
  • The Functional Gifts for Building the Church
  • The Manifestational Gifts for Showing Forth Jesus’ Power
  • The Speaking Gifts: Word of Knowledge and Word of Wisdom
  • The Speaking Gifts: Tongues and Interpretation
  • The Speaking Gifts: Prophecy and Discernment
  • The Power Gifts: Faith, Healing and Miracles
  • The Church Doing Jesus’ Ministry in the Power of the Holy Spirit