This is part of our work of intercessory prayer, responding to requests for prayer cover for people, events and other aspects of our work.
If you are interested in joining the network, or would like to know more, please contact Elaine Pierpont:
The priority of prayer
Prayer saturates and supports everything we do. It is our first priority because it is the key to our life in Jesus Christ and cooperating with the Holy Spirit.
We encourage and nurture the work of prayer through:
Dunamis Project #3 : The Power of Prayer
Prayer : The Walk of Encounter
On-site and off-site intercessors for all our events
High-Level Intercessory Prayer and Spiritual Warfare Course (via the Dunamis Institute)
In need of prayer?
If you have personal prayer needs and your local church is unable to help, then please feel free to apply via our web page. We offer intensive prayer ministry sessions, mainly conducted over Zoom. Further details can be found on our Healing Ministry page.
Alternatively, you may wish to try contacting other Christian ministries such as: