The Speaking Gifts title image

The Speaking Gifts (Online Course)

June 11, 18 & 25, and July 9 & 16 (each Tuesday evening)

The Speaking Gifts is a 5-part online course to help you: 

  • Develop your personal prayer life and prayer time with others. 
  • Deepen your walk with Jesus through cooperation with the Holy Spirit.
  • Share your faith or minister to others more effectively.
  • Experience the reality of walking by faith in the speaking gifts of the Spirit.

Throughout the Bible we see the importance of the spoken word:

As the power of the Holy Spirit ‘hovered over the waters’  God spoke the world into existence

(Genesis 1)

‘Death and life are in the power of the Tongue’

(Proverbs 18:21)

[Jesus said] ‘for every idle word men may speak they will give an account of it on the day of judgement’

(Matthew 12:36)

When the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples at Pentecost some of the first spiritual gifts to be poured out were those concerned with speaking out.

The amazing thing about the Holy Spirit being poured out at Pentecost was that the gifts such as prophecy were no longer restricted to the ‘anointed few’ as in the Old Testament prophets such as Isaiah or Ezekiel. When Peter preached to the crowd at Pentecost, he quoted the prophet Joel.

The disciples spoke in tongues, and Peter was bold enough to preach and teach like a ‘seasoned evangelist’

(Acts 2)

The Apostle Paul encourages us to ‘eagerly desire spiritual gifts, especially the gift of prophecy’

(1 Corinthians 14:1)

‘I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, your sons and daughters will prophesy, you old men will dream dreams and your young men will see visions, even on my servants both men and women’

(Joel 2:28-29)

Who is this course for?

Since the spoken word is so important, wouldn’t it be great if there was a way of making sure that our prayers and words were more Spirit led and empowered, and in line with God’s will?

If you have a desire to learn more about that…… then this course is for you!!

In DFB&I, we teach from the Bible, and believe from many years of experience that God wants everyone to ‘have life in abundance to the full’  (John 10:10) as they learn to cooperate with the Holy Spirit. 

Course Outline & Format

The person, work and power of the Holy Spirit.

How does He call, equip and empower us through Spiritual Gifts?

Why do we need Spiritual Gifts today?

Words of Wisdom, and Words of Knowledge.

What is the difference between the two? And how do they operate?

Can I be sure that what I am ‘hearing’ is not just coming from my own intellect?

What different types of ‘Tongues’ are there?
Can people have more than one ‘Tongue’?

How does the gift of Interpretation operate?
Is Interpretation always needed?

What is the gift of Prophecy?

What are the joys and potential pitfalls of operating in it?

How do I share a prophetic word with someone sensitively and wisely?

How can we operate in the Speaking Gifts safely and with discernment?

These gifts are to build up the Body of Christ… so what does this mean for us?

How can we grow in these Gifts?

This course will run in the following format:

The teaching videos will go live around 7-10 days before each session.
You will be sent a link to the video(s) to watch in your own time.
Viewing time each week will be approx. 45-60 minutes.

Each Zoom session will feature a time to:

  • RE-DISCOVER: A brief recap of the teaching, including opportunities for questions and comments.
  • PRACTICE: Small group discussions, prayer activities and fellowship times.
  • DEBRIEF: A brief time of evaluating any experience you may have had.

The Zoom calls will not be recorded due to their interactive nature.

Dates & Time

Dates & Time

June 11th / 18th / 25th, and July 9th / 16th
NOTE: there is no session on Tuesday 2nd July.

Sessions will run each Tuesday from 7-8:45pm (BST) and will be held online over Zoom.
Please adjust for your timezone if you are not in the UK.

The waiting room will be open around 10mins before the official start time for fellowship.

We highly recommend that you commit to being fully present during all five weeks, but you have grace to miss a session if needs be.


You must register for this course to receive your personal Zoom link for the calls.
Please do not share this link with others – they will need to register themselves for this course.

The same link will be used each week, so please make sure to keep it somewhere safe.

Head to the registration page via the button below.

Register your place through the button below.

DFB&I is a faith-based ministry and we do not charge for any of our teaching.
At some point during the course, you will be given an opportunity to hear more about the work of this ministry; if you feel blessed by the teaching and the Lord prompts you to give, then we will be sharing with you how you can make a donation.

If you would like to explore this before the course begins, you can head over to our Donations page for more information.