Pentecost Prayer & Praise (Online)

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“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you…”
Jesus’ promise to his disciples that we read about in Acts 1:8 is amazing! And true to His word, the Holy Spirit fell in power on them at Pentecost to enable them to do all that Jesus commanded in the Great Commission.
… But more amazing still is that we, as part of His worldwide church, get to be a part of that even today!
We can receive power to be effective witnesses for Jesus.
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“…and you will be my witnesses…”
Join us online to praise, worship, and pray together. We will also make space to wait on the Holy Spirit, and invite Him to come in power to equip us to do all that He is calling us to do!
Maybe you are dry and thirsty and need space to receive His love and his grace – come and receive.
Or perhaps you just want to come to thank God that we have the privilege of being part of His amazing plan to re-establish His Kingdom on earth (how awesome is that!) – come and give thanks.
Come as you are to celebrate, worship, pray,
and ask for Holy Spirit’s empowerment in your life.


Thursday 16th May, 7:00 – 8:45pm (BST)

At the close of the event the call will remain open for a further 30 minutes for you to reconnect with old friends or chat and make new ones.


This event is free, but places are limited so you must register to reserve your place.

Just head to the Zoom registration page through the button below and submit the form to receive your personal link for this Zoom call.

Get hold of your free eBook

The core teaching we will draw from during this event is explained in the free eBook Baptism with the Holy Spirit.

You may wish to read through this 39-page PDF as part of your personal preparation ahead of this event.