5th May 2023 by PaulStokes
A ten-day prayer guide, for use between Ascension Day and Pentecost, looks at how we can position ourselves to receive the empowerment of the Holy Spirit and then move into praying for renewal, revival, and outpourings of the Holy Spirit which might become the next Great Awakening.
Each day uses the acronym P.R.A.Y as a pattern for our prayers : Praise, Reflect, Ask, and Yield. This prayer guide can be used individually or in a small group setting.
Join us online to praise, worship, and pray together. We will also make space to wait on the Holy Spirit, and invite Him to come in power to equip us to do all that He is calling us to do!
Monday 22nd May, 7:00 – 8:45pm
A one-day workshop based on the Dunamis Project, introducing the person and work of the Holy Spirit. Includes worship, teaching, testimonies, practical application of the teaching, prayer and building community.
Saturday 30th September 2023
Click here to receive news of this and other upcoming eventsWritten Rev Dr David Hilborn, this booklet is an extensive overview of the various movements and streams of Holy Spirit renewal in the British Isles. Beginning with the Celtic tradition and tracing the influence of Catholicism, Medieval Charismatics, the Anabaptists, Puritans, Quakers and Methodists, David then finishes by looking at the 20th Century Charismatic Movement and subsequent developments.
A look the essential role that the Holy Spirit has to play in enabling the Church’s mission and evangelism. Beginning with Jesus’ imperative that we should be engaged in evangelism, it then looks at his teaching on the Kingdom of God, his promise to send the Holy Spirit, and then activity of the Holy Spirit in the Early Church and in the Church today.
The booklet concludes with some helpful appendices. One offers a ‘walk of preparation’ which allows time and space for the Holy Spirit to lead. Another tackles what has been for some the contentious question of whether Christians are to be ‘baptised’ or ‘filled’ with the Holy Spirit.
Beneath the surface of churches’ programs and activities lies the fundamental question of how leaders and churches can be enabled to discern and obediently cooperate with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
This biblically grounded book asserts that many leaders overlook the necessary precondition of cooperating with the empowering will of the Holy Spirit before putting their plans into action. Growing the Church in the Power of the Holy Spirit is a highly practical guide for nurturing relations between believers and the Holy Spirit, a process facilitated by seven dynamics.
These online courses features ten 10-15 minute videos with a workbook for personal reflection or group discussion. There are four Dunamis Basics video courses, each providing a condensed introduction to one of the Dunamis Project Courses. These give a balanced, biblical, and practical foundation for understanding who God the Holy Spirit is and how we can cooperate with him.
Click here for more details and to access the courses (free)